Sunday, February 5, 2012

Food Healing!

Some of y'all might know that my mama, Molly Brown, has just had her hip replaced over this weekend at Swedish Osteopathic Institute, and that I'm going to be her main caretaker for the rehab journey!  She is flying through her healing at the hospital this weekend, which is amazing to see (she got up and walked with a walker the day after her surgery!).

However, this hospital food is in no way conducive to healing in my mind!  So I went to the Ballard Farmer's Market this morning and stocked up on beautiful, seasonal, alive food for next week...I want to facilitate my mama's healing by nourishing every cell in her body with real food, lots of hugs and kisses and crafting magazines!  My choices at the market were beets, Brussel's sprouts, and arugula from Emma at Nash's, Red chard and kale from Chai at Children's Garden Farm, King salmon from Wilson's Fish and potatoes from Olsen Farms. Now to peruse my cook books for some magical recipes!

Nourishing Love,


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